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Privacy Policy

Van Moer Logistics places great importance on the privacy of its employees, business relations and visitors. Personal data is therefore handled and protected with the greatest possible care, in full compliance with the requirements of privacy legislation and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Van Moer Logistics, based in 2070 Zwijndrecht, Vitshoekstraat 11, is responsible for the processing of personal data.

This privacy statement explains what information is collected, what it is used for and whether it is passed on. It also gives an overview of your rights related to the information collected and who you can contact if you require further information.

Processing personal data


Van Moer Logistics understands data processing to mean any processing of personal data. The term 'processing' covers, among other things, all processes relating to the collection, recording, organisation, storage, updating, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, distribution or provision, gathering, combining, archiving, deletion or, ultimately, destruction in any way.

Van Moer Logistics undertakes to process data in accordance with this privacy statement.

Employee personal data

Employees are all workers, prospective employees, temporary employees and freelancers who work for Van Moer Logistics.
Personal data is processed because this is necessary for the execution of the employment contract and to comply with legal obligations.
Personal data is stored and processed for the performance of our HR services, including personnel administration, payroll administration, recruitment and selection.
The following data can be processed: name, age, date of birth, gender, e-mail address, telephone number, address, family situation (e.g. marital status and children), details of employment and training, financial information (e.g. salary and account number). Special data is only processed if this is necessary in order to comply with legal obligations or when consent has been given to this end.

Personal data may be passed on to other companies in so far as this falls within the scope of the processing or in cases where this is compulsory (for example, in the context of a court order). Personal data shall not be transferred outside the EEA [1].
Data shall be kept only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose of processing.
Van Moer Logistics has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the transferred personal data is adequately protected.

Personal data of business relations

Business relations include suppliers, customers and prospects.
Van Moer Logistics processes the personal data of data subjects who work for companies with which business is conducted. The purpose of this processing is to maintain business relations and provide information about the products and services.
Personal data will be processed in the legitimate interest of Van Moer Logistics.
The following data will be processed: names, contact details and roles of the contacts.

Personal data may be passed on to other companies in so far as this falls within the scope of the processing or in cases where this is compulsory (for example, in the context of a court order). Personal data shall not be transferred outside the EEA [2].
Data shall be kept only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose of processing.
Van Moer Logistics has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the transferred personal data is adequately protected.

Personal data of other people

Other persons are employees of customers and other persons who are in or can be contacted by Van Moer Logistics.
Van Moer Logistics processes personal data of other persons in the course of their commercial activities. Data is processed in the context of drawing up and implementing flexible remuneration plans, offering training courses and selecting candidates for its customers.
Data will be processed on the basis of consent and the legitimate interest of Van Moer Logistics.

The following data can be processed: name, age, date of birth, gender, e-mail address, telephone number, address, family situation (e.g. marital status and children), details of employment and training, financial information (e.g. salary and account number). Special data is only processed if this is necessary in order to comply with legal obligations or when consent has been given to this end.

Personal data may be passed on to other companies in so far as this falls within the scope of the processing or in cases where this is compulsory (for example, in the context of a court order). Personal data shall not be transferred outside the EEA [3].
Data shall be kept only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose of processing.
Van Moer Logistics has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the transferred personal data is adequately protected.

[1] European Economic Area
[2] European Economic Area
[3] European Economic Area

Security measures

Van Moer Logistics undertakes to put in place all possible security measures to ensure the best possible protection of personal data. This is achieved by taking physical, administrative and technological measures such as, for example, working only with authorised accesses. If and insofar as data is passed on to third parties, Van Moer Logistics has agreed to also take the necessary security measures.

Viewing and/or modifying Data

Van Moer Logistics would like to point out that you have the following rights in accordance with the applicable regulations:

  • Right of access
  • Right to modify your data
  • Right to be forgotten
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to object

You can send your request to privacy@vanmoer.com or via a letter to the address below

Van Moer Logistics
Vitshoekstraat 11
2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium

Contact details

DPO Van Moer Logistics
Vitshoekstraat 11, 2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium
+32 (3) 250 64 73

Data protection authority (former privacy commission)

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
+32 (0)2 274 48 35


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